잡소리 2008. 2. 18. 09:38

주말내내 감기로 누워서 겔겔 거리다 얻은 교훈.

"감기로 사람이 죽을수 도 있겠구나.."

잡소리 2008. 2. 15. 17:49

미쿡인이 뽑은 영화속 50인의 영웅 vs 50인의 악당

다음은 토탈필름이 선정한 ‘50인의 영웅’ 중 1위~50위까지 명단

1 Indiana Jones
2 Batman
3 Rocky Balboa (Rocky)
4 James Bond
5 Superman
6 Luke Skywalker (Star Wars)
7 Spiderman
8 Neo (The Matrix)
9 Han Solo (Star Wars)
10 The Incredible Hulk/Bruce Banner
11 Donnie Darko
12 Maximus Decimus Meridius (Gladiatior)
13 Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
14 Jason Bourne (The Bourne Identity)
15 Spartacus
16 Wolverine (X Men)
17 Samwise Gamgee (Lord of the Rings)
18 George Bailey (It’s a Wonderful Life)
19 Philip Marlowe (Murder, My Sweet)
20 Mr Lee (Enter the Dragon)
21 Cherry Darling (Planet Terror)
22 John McClane (Die Hard)
23 Rick Deckard (Blade Runner)
24 Lassie
25 Dewey Finn (School of Rock)
26 Bree (Transamerica)
27 Mr Davis (12 Angry Men)
28 Thelma and Louise
29 Virgil Tibbs (In the Heat of the Night)
30 Optimus Prime (The Transformers: The Movie)
31 Clarice Starling (The Silence of the Lambs)
32 The Terminator
33 Ashitaka (Princess Mononoke)
34 Elle Woods (Legally Blonde)
35 Father Merrin (The Exorcist)
36 Rooster Cogburn (True Grit)
37 Kenji Watanabe (Ikiru)
38 The Tramp (City Lights)
39 The Man with No Name (A Fistful of Dollars)
40 Ellen Ripley (Alien)
41 Laurie Strode (Halloween)
42 Spongebob Squarepants
43 Rachel Stein/Ellis de Vries (Black Book)
44 Jefferson Smith (Mr Smith goes to Washington)
45 Sheriff John T Chance (Rio Bravo)
46 John Shaft
47 Sarah Connor (The Terminator)
48 David Dunn (Unbreakable)
49 Rick Blaine (Casablanca)
50 Atticus Finch (To Kill a Mockingbird)
다음은 ‘50인의 악당’ 중 1위~50위 명단
1 The Joker (Batman: The Movie)
2 Darth Vader (Star Wars)
3 Hannibal Lecter (Silence of the Lambs)
4 Leatherface (The Texas Chainsaw Massacre)
5 Freddy Krueger (A Nightmare on Elm Street)
6 Nurse Ratched (One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest)
7 Anton Chigurh (No Country for Old Men)
8 Michael Myers (The Halloween series)
9 Frank Booth (Blue Velvet)
10 Norman Bates (Psycho)
11 Bridget Gregory/Wendy Kroy (The Last Seduction)
12 Jason Vorhees (Friday the 13th series)
13 Saruman the White (The Lord of the Rings)
14 John Doe (Se7en)
15 Baby Jane Hudson (Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?)
16 Peyton Flanders (The Hand That Rocks the Cradle)
17 Gordon Gekko (Wall Street)
18 Alex Forrest (Fatal Attraction)
19 The White Witch (The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the witch and the
20 Captain Videl (Pan’s Labyrinth)
21 Annie Wilkes (Misery)
22 Tony Montana (Scarface)
23 Catherine Tramell (Basic Instinct)
24 Michael Corleone (The Godfather)
25 Dr Christian Sezell (Marathon Man)
26 Reverend Harry Powell (The Night of the Hunter)
27 Ray (Nil by Mouth)
28 The Wicked Witch of the West (The Wizard of Oz)
29 John Ryder (The Hitcher)
30 Suzanna Stone Maretto (To Die For)
31 Combo (This is England)
32 General Zod (Superman)
33 Hans Gruber (Die Hard)
34 Patrick Bateman (American Psycho)
35 Ivan Drago (Rocky IV)
36 Daniel Cleaver (Bridget Jones’ Diary)
37 Verbal Klint/Keyser Soze (The Usual Suspects)
38 Lex Luthor (Superman)
39 Don (Sexy Beast)
40 Begbie (Trainspotting)
41 Phyllis Dietrichsonn (Double Indemnity)
42 Mr Blonde (Reservoir Dogs)
43 Dr Elsa Schneider (Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade)
44 Frank (Once Upon a Time in the West)
45 Max Cady (Cape Fear)
46 The Child Catcher (Chitty Chitty Bang Bang)
47 The Truck (Duel)
48 Hans Beckert (M)
49 Mrs John Iselin (The Manchurian Candidate)
50 Mr Potter (It’s a Wonderful Life)

My Book 2008. 2. 10. 20:46

[책] 은하수를 여행하는 히치하이커를 위한 안내서

한구절만 올리렵니다
 "저 우주선은 까마득한 고대의 민주주의 세계에서 온거야."
 "그럼 우주선이 도마뱀의 세계에서 왔다는거야?"
 "아니 저 세계에서 사람들은 사람들이야. 지도자는 도마뱀들이고. 사람들은 도마뱀을 끔찍하게 싫어하고, 도마뱀은 사람들을 지배해."
 "이상하네. 네가 민주주의라고 한거 같은데 왜 사람들은 도마뱀을 쫓아내버리지 않아?"
 "그런 생각이 전혀 들지 않는 거야 전부 투표권을 갖고 있거든. 그래서 말하자면 자기네들이 투표해서 뽑은 정부니까 자기네들이 원하는 정부에 가까울 거라고 대충 생각하고 사는거지."
 "그러니까 투표를 해서 도마뱀을 뽑았단 말이야?"
 "오, 그럼. 당연하지."
 "하지만. 왜?"
 "왜냐하면 도마뱀들한테 표를 던지지 않으면 잘못된 도마뱀이 정권을 잡을까봐 그렇지."